Targeted Educational Materials

Return to Investment Education & Planning

Help promote enrollment by educating employees to the advantages of contributing to a retirement plan.



The 10% Savings Goal
Promotes the benefits of increasing contributions.

Small Changes Flyer

Do Small Changes Make a Big Difference Flyer 
Explains how small contributions over time can add up to a healthier retirement savings.


A loan may cost you more than you think
Helps participants understand the impact of taking a loan from a retirement savings plan.        

  • English           

The Saver's Credit Flyer
Explains how your participants can pay less taxes and save more for retirement. The Saver's Credit flyer provides you with information on who may be eligible for the tax credit and how it works. 

Catch-up Contributions Flyer
Explains the benefits of "catch-up" contributions for participants age 50 and older. 

Matching Contributions Flyer
Illustrates the benefit of a company   match and pretax contributions.

Roth 401(k) Flyer
Illustrates how eligible plan participants can contribute to a Roth 401(k) with after-tax contributions, regardless of their income.

Dollar Cost Averaging Flyer
Helps participants understand one of the basic principles of investing to help them reach their retirement goals.

Danger of Chasing Performance Flyer

Dangers of Chasing Performance Flyer
Outlines how investments have performed over a ten year period.


Take-Home Pay Flyer
Illustrates how participating in a retirement savings plan can effect an employee's take-home pay.  




This material is being provided for informational purposes only. It should not be viewed as an investment recommendation by Transamerica for customers or prospective customers. Customers seeking advice regarding their particular investment needs should contact a financial professional.
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This material is being provided for informational purposes only. It should not be viewed as an investment recommendation by Transamerica for customers or prospective customers. Customers seeking advice regarding their particular investment needs should contact a financial professional.
© Copyright 2019 Transamerica Retirement Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved.