Our ultimate goal is to satisfy your clients and make your job easy. These pages are designed to give you a better understanding of the different tools, programs, and processes that can help in your selling endeavors. We recognize that the process of learning how things are done, what tools are available, and who to go to for information can be time consuming. We hope that you find this section to be a valuable resource in getting you off to a quick start.
Sales Tools In this section you will find information on various prospecting and marketing tools available to help you build your business.
Educational Tools This section describes our educational seminars as well as our enrollment materials.
DB/Cash Balance Solutions This section provides tools to help you educate and interest clients in Defined Benefit plans.
Virginia – Revised Continuing Education Requirements Effective January 1, 2013, all agents licensed in Virginia must comply with the revised rules summarized in Administrative Letter 2013-02.
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