Multiple Employer Plans with Third Party Administrator Services

The Power of Transamerica Retirement Solutions and You

Transamerica Retirement Solutions’ multiple employer plan (MEP) solution is industry-leading. With our MEP and third party administrator (TPA) services, the convenience of working with a TPA and having Transamerica’s investment choices and recordkeeping services combined, offer a seamless solution for MEP sponsors and their adopting employers.

TPAs supply MEP sponsors with plan design expertise, legislative monitoring, ERISA support, and the plan administration MEP sponsors need—while Transamerica handles installations and plan conversions, offers web-based and toll-free phone account access to participants, provides support to adopting employers, MEP sponsors, and financial advisors, develops sales and marketing programs, and maintains dedicated support teams for MEP sponsors, TPAs, and more.

Our innovative products and services provide a unique solution for your company’s retirement needs. To receive more information on our products and services, please contact Transamerica Retirement Solutions Special Markets at (866) 393-8967.

This material was prepared for general distribution. It is being provided for informational purposes only and should not be viewed as an investment recommendation. If you need advice regarding your particular investment needs, contact a financial professional.
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This material is being provided for informational purposes only. It should not be viewed as an investment recommendation by Transamerica for customers or prospective customers. Customers seeking advice regarding their particular investment needs should contact a financial professional.
© Copyright 2019 Transamerica Retirement Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved.