Taft-Hartley Solutions

Transamerica Retirement Solutions and its affiliates have serviced unions for over 75 years and Transamerica is proficient in solving the complexities of Taft-Hartley plan recordkeeping and client servicing. A retirement plan is a critical component of any collective bargaining agreement. At Transamerica, we continue to demonstrate that a retirement plan provider can make a difference in how well members, and the union they work for, master their financial future.

Transamerica offers Taft-Hartley plan service to union institutions across multiple industries and trades, including: 

  • Aerospace
  • Auto workers
  • Bricklayers and stone masons
  • Bridge engineers
  • Commercial food
  • Construction
  • Education
  • Electrical
  • Energy
  • Fabrics/Textiles
  • General manufacturing
  • Grocers
  • Health management
  • Industrial craftsmen
  • Ironworkers
  • Laundry
  • Lighting
  • Machine – tool and die
  • Metal and glass
  • Mills
  • Painters
  • Paper converting
  • Pipefitters
  • Plastering
  • Plastics
  • Plumbers
  • Police and fire
  • Pork processors
  • Rehabilitation
  • Security
  • Shipping
  • Steamfitters

Let Us Tell You More
We provide a wide range of customized services for Taft-Hartley multiemployer plans. For a complimentary review of your retirement plan or situation, please contact us at (866) 393-8967 Monday through Friday 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. Eastern Time.

Neither Transamerica nor its agents or representatives may provide tax or legal advice.  Anyone to whom this material is promoted, marketed, or recommended should consult with and rely on their own independent tax and legal advisors regarding their particular situation and the concepts presented herein.

This material was prepared for general distribution. It is being provided for informational purposes only and should not be viewed as an investment recommendation. If you need advice regarding your particular investment needs, contact a financial professional.
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This material is being provided for informational purposes only. It should not be viewed as an investment recommendation by Transamerica for customers or prospective customers. Customers seeking advice regarding their particular investment needs should contact a financial professional.
© Copyright 2019 Transamerica Retirement Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved.